Forex Affiliate Programs

What is an affiliate program?

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Best Forex Affiliate Programs

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What is affiliate marketing and how is it different from forex affiliate programs?

Affiliate marketing is a type of performance-based marketing in which a business (the merchant) rewards one or more affiliates for each customer brought to the business through the affiliate’s marketing efforts.

In affiliate marketing, the affiliate promotes the merchant’s product or service through various channels such as social media, email marketing, blogging, or paid advertising. The affiliate’s goal is to drive traffic to the merchant’s website or landing page and encourage users to complete a desired action, such as making a purchase or filling out a lead form.

When a customer completes the desired action through the affiliate’s unique tracking link, the merchant pays the affiliate a commission for the referral. The commission rate can vary depending on the agreement between the merchant and the affiliate, and can be based on a percentage of the sale, a fixed fee per sale, or a combination of both.

Affiliate marketing allows businesses to leverage the marketing efforts of other people or companies to drive more sales or leads. It is a cost-effective way for businesses to reach a wider audience and increase their customer base, without the upfront costs of traditional advertising.

Affiliate marketing has become a popular way for individuals and companies to monetize their online presence and earn passive income. By promoting products or services that align with their niche or audience, affiliates can earn a commission for every sale or lead generated through their efforts.

In the Forex/Crypto industry, the “goal” of an affiliate could be from simply bringing traffic to the website, to generate leads, or drive deposits and/or trades.

In forex affiliate programs it becomes a little more challenging as some platforms forbit the mention of CFDs, forex or any other kind of risky investments in promotional videos, blogs etc.

What is an IB you ask? We will cover it eventually but not in this article.

We will try to explain the different affiliate models below.

Affiliate marketing Terminology

  • CPM stands for “Cost Per Mille” or “Cost Per Thousand” and it is a commonly used term in digital advertising. CPM is a metric that measures the cost of displaying an advertisement one thousand times, regardless of whether or not the user actually clicks on the ad.

    In other words, CPM is a pricing model used by advertisers and publishers to determine the cost of displaying an ad to potential customers. The cost is calculated based on the number of impressions (or views) of the ad, and is usually expressed as a cost per thousand impressions.

    For example, if an advertiser pays $5 per thousand impressions for their ad, they will pay $5 for every one thousand times their ad is displayed to users. The actual cost paid by the advertiser will depend on the number of impressions the ad receives.

    CPM is often used in display advertising and is a popular metric for measuring the effectiveness of online advertising campaigns. It is useful for comparing the relative costs of different advertising campaigns and for evaluating the performance of a single campaign over time.
  • Cost per click (CPC): This is a payment model where the affiliate is paid based on the number of clicks they generate on the affiliate link. The payment is usually a fixed amount per click.
  • Cost per lead (CPL): In this payment model, the affiliate is paid a commission for each lead they generate for the merchant. A lead is typically defined as a potential customer who has shown interest in the merchant’s product or service by filling out a form, subscribing to a newsletter, or taking some other similar action. In forex affiliate programs a Lead is usually a registration.
  • Cost per sale (CPS): This is a payment model where the affiliate is paid a commission for each sale that is made through their affiliate link. The commission rate is typically a percentage of the sale price.
  • Revenue sharing: In this payment model, the affiliate is paid a percentage of the revenue generated by the merchant from the customers referred by the affiliate. This can be an ongoing payment model that continues as long as the customer continues to make purchases from the merchant.
  • Tiered commission: This is a payment model where the commission rate increases based on the number of sales or leads generated by the affiliate. For example, an affiliate might receive a commission rate of 10% for the first 10 sales, 15% for the next 20 sales, and 20% for all additional sales after that.
  • Cost per activation (CPA) or cost per acquisition or cost per action. Probably the most popular form of affiliate agreement.
    It is a type of performance-based pricing model used in digital advertising. In CPA, the advertiser only pays when a specific action is taken by the user, such as making a purchase, filling out a form, signing up for a trial, or downloading an app.
    In other words, CPA is a pricing model that measures the cost of acquiring a customer who completes a specific action that the advertiser has defined as valuable. The advertiser pays a fixed amount for each completed action, regardless of the number of impressions or clicks the ad receives.

    For example, if an advertiser offers a CPA of $20 for a customer who completes a purchase on their website, they will pay $20 for each completed purchase. If a user clicks on the ad but does not complete the purchase, the advertiser does not pay anything.

    CPA is a popular pricing model for direct-response advertising campaigns where the advertiser wants to generate a specific action from the user, such as a sale or lead. It is also useful for advertisers who want to control their advertising costs and only pay for measurable results.

    Overall, CPA is an effective way for advertisers to track the performance of their advertising campaigns and to ensure that they are getting a positive return on investment (ROI).

    In forex affiliate programs a CPA is usually a deposit made by a client

How to open an account for any of the forex affiliate programs.

Step 1: find the right broker, maybe use our list of forex affiliate programs

Step 2: Sign up. Usually brokers have options for any of their forex affiliate programs like CPA or IB options and then you have to fill in your personal information according to wither you are an individual or company.

Step 3: Usually you receive some communication up to this point from an affiliate manager, this is common in the forex affiliate programs, but if you don’t you will be definitely prompted to provide some documents. if your broker is regulated by well known authorities, you have nothing to worry about when giving personal info.

Step 4: Start referring clients and see your performance in their provided dashboard.

Usually brokers make their forex affiliate programs easy to use and join but there is always the risk of not being approved. To avoid that, make sure that you are following or their guides and rules and your medium of advertising is compliant to the rules of the regulator.


Organic content is always preferred and appreciated more than paid advertising. So try to have more organic visits than paid ones.
Forex affiliate programs and CFD terminology tends to get blocked on Google

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